Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday August 30

Today you will research and write articles on the following:

  • Republican National Convention (Report on one or two of the speeches given so far.)
  • Report on a rescue story from Hurricane Isaac.
REMEMBER that you need to email the document to me, share a Google Doc with me or write it in an email and send it to me. 

Also, please INCLUDE the source where you read your information.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday August 29, 2012

If you haven't turned your article in from yesterday, it's late which is minus 10% for each day you don't turn it in to me.

Today's assignment:

1. Go to the following website. Summarize his first seven points (indicated by a pencil) reagarding what it means to write to inform.

Writing to Inform site

2.Write an article informing me of what is happening in Somalia currently. You should find a source that has articles that are less that 6 months old.

Please send these in an email to me or share it with me on Google Docs. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Write an article about the following topics:

  • Hurricane Isaac
  • What is happening in Syria
  • Something new in technology
Please EMAIL me the articles that you type with your name in the subject line.

or use Google Docs with