Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday November 13

Please read the following website and identify the elements of a narrative.
Elements of a narrative

In a document, please write the elements from the powerpoint.

Read the story and identify the elements of a narrative in this example:

Write your findings in the same document as above.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday October 29 (For the Final)

This week you will be researching the following topics and writing notes about them for your final.

The topic: Voting for President of the United States

For each of the following topics, please indicate what the candidate's position is and give evidence of their plan to handle it while in office. 

What : Notes
How: You may make a Google Doc or a Word File
When: This week to be used on the final
Why: I am planning to ask you specific questions related to these topics and you may only use your notes

Topics to be researched:

  • Economy
  • Education
  • Immigration
  • Foreign Policy
  • Healthcare

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday October 22

Today you are going to look at this website: Write Source

On this page, you will find a list of topics by grade.
Click on Grades 9-12
I want you to pick three topics and begin brainstorming and writing about it. Ultimately you will write on the three topics and then choose one to submit for publication.

Please send me an email with the three topics you have chosen.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Oct 15

Using this website: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1012/82310.html

Read or Watch the Vice-Presidential Debate and write about their views on Libya and Iran in an email or Google Doc. Explain their positions, and whether they are using Ethos, Pathos, Logos or a combination of both. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday October 9, 2012

Today you are going to watch ads from each of the presidential candidates and analyze them for persuasive techniques.

The persuasive techniques that you need to analyze are: Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos - Credibility
Pathos - Emotional Appeal
Logos - logical argument

Assignment: Review at least six ads from the Presidential candidates (three from each) and write about each of them.

For each ad write the following in a Google Doc:
1. Who is the ad for? (Which Candidate?)
2. What is the ad saying?
3. Explain the type of persuasive technique used (identify and then explain how it is used.

Go to this site to watch the ads:
Presidential Ads

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Research the different types of persuasive techniques. Begin with this site.

Create a Google Doc (not an email, but a Google Doc) and describe each of the sections from the page. Please look for an example of each.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday September 6

When you have finished all the required articles please do the following:

1. Choose two articles that you have written and send the topics to me.
2. Begin revising the articles. I will send you feedback on the ones you choose.
3. When revising them, make sure you cover your topic well and give detail. Also please use your best grammar and spelling.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday September 5

For today please read or watch Michelle Obama's speech from the Democratic convention and summarize what she was talking about. You must inform me of all of the main points. (I did actually watch it!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday September 4

Please make sure that you have turned in all of the articles you owe me for a grade. Please see the past posts on this blog to check what you have missed.

Today's assignment:

1. Write an article about some area of health and wellness. Make sure that the article that you reference is not more than three months old.

2. Write an article about something that has happened in sports in the past WEEK. Make sure that it is not older than that. It can be about any sport.

Please make sure that the articles are at least 10 sentences long and give me good information about the topic.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday August 30

Today you will research and write articles on the following:

  • Republican National Convention (Report on one or two of the speeches given so far.)
  • Report on a rescue story from Hurricane Isaac.
REMEMBER that you need to email the document to me, share a Google Doc with me or write it in an email and send it to me. 

Also, please INCLUDE the source where you read your information.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday August 29, 2012

If you haven't turned your article in from yesterday, it's late which is minus 10% for each day you don't turn it in to me.

Today's assignment:

1. Go to the following website. Summarize his first seven points (indicated by a pencil) reagarding what it means to write to inform.

Writing to Inform site

2.Write an article informing me of what is happening in Somalia currently. You should find a source that has articles that are less that 6 months old.

Please send these in an email to me or share it with me on Google Docs. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Write an article about the following topics:

  • Hurricane Isaac
  • What is happening in Syria
  • Something new in technology
Please EMAIL me the articles that you type with your name in the subject line.


or use Google Docs with staci.carroll@gmail.com